DESTINATION -It was popular in the community Pendet Half Century Ago

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DESTINATION -It was popular in the community Pendet Half Century Ago

Pendet or welcome dance that was born and developed in Bali, already popular in the community since about half a century ago, so it is surprising when Malaysia kebuduyaan later claimed as his own.

"Not long after the artists created by two Bali in 1950, direct Pendet often used in connection popularize welcome important guests in the island resort," said Prof. Dr. I Wayan Dibia MA, professor of Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar, Monday .

A series of important guests, in the 1950s, including the arrival of Vice President Sukarno and Hatta, often greeted with Pendet once they set foot on Bali's Ngurah Rai Airport or at the governor's office in Denpasar.

Due to the often shown in front of the president and other state guests, no wonder so fast Pendet popular in the community, even admired the various circles of the world.

Seeing the fact that, Prof. Dibia admitted quite shocked to hear the dance heritage of Indonesia's simply Malaysia's claimed.

"We wonder, where Malaysian origin Pendet can claim as belonging to that nation," he said.

From existing records, said the professor, in charge of musical art that the ISI Denpasar, Dance Short-born artist was conceived two Sumertha Village, City of Denpasar, which I Wayan Rindi and Ni Ketut Reneng.

"Both the artist who first sparked Pendet featuring four dancers," he said.

At first, Pendet presented to the foreign tourists who arrived in Bali, or who are staying at a hotel.

It is said, because it considered impressive enough, the dance was later also used to welcome state officials and important guests of the state.

Once sufficiently developed, in 1961 the artist I Wayan Beratha Pendet reworked into a pattern like now, including adding the number of dancers from four to five people.

Then in 1962, I Wayan Beratha and his colleagues present the mass Pendet with the number of dancers no less than 800 people. Mass dance was presented at the opening ceremony of Asian Games in Jakarta.

See the presence of works of art that was born and popularize more than half a century ago, Prof. Dibia is expected the government could take steps to fasten kangkah nation's heritage of busaya foreign entanglement.

"The government supported the various components of the nation, should immediately be able to take the steps and explained that Pendet really belongs to the people of Indonesia, in this case were born in the Island of the Gods," he insists.

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