Tiananmen Square

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In Tiananmen Square in central Beijing, said the biggest square in the world. It is 880 meters from north to south, and 500 meters from west to east, with a total area of 440,000 square meters and can accommodate one million people. The Tiananmen Gate Tower sites in the north, the Five-Star Red Flag flies high on the square, the Monument to People's Heroes dominating center, the Great Hall of the People and the Museum of Chinese Revolution and the Museum of Chinese History in the east and the west , and the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall and the Qianmen gate, sit in the south of the square. During several hundred years old, in front of Tiananmen, many democracy meetings and demonstrations held. Tens of thousands of people visit every day.

Tiananmen Square, Beijing Having run free in the field Tiananmen, imagining the great historic events of the 20th century occurred in there. You will also see legendary landmarks including the Great Hall of the People and the 125 foot high granite obelisk, Monument to People's Heroes, honoring those who died in the revolution.

Each visitor to Beijing this gravitates Square has become the pulse of this city interesting contrast. Have said that it can accommodate more than one million people in 122 acres, and the Square is the largest in the world. This region has to attract residents and visitors to Beijing since mid 17. Century, but only in the late 1950's that have been officially laid out. Since then, many changes have been made with the initial concept. At the end of 1998 and almost half of 1999, Square was closed for refurbishing completed in anticipation of 1 October 1999 50. Anniversary Celebration, which was established in the People's Republic of China (1949-to-date).

Huabiao field in Tiananmen, BeijingHuabiao in Tiananmen Square

Renowned architectural ornament in China is huabiao, often seen in the foundation of the palace, imperial gardens and mausoleums. This is also visible in some crossroads to mark throroughfares.

There are a pair of such ornamental pillars carved out of marble standing in front of and behind Tian'anmen, the Gate Heavenly Peace, in the city center of Beijing. Each pillar, entwined by divine dragon carved in relief, was brought up in a plate called CHENGLUPAN to collect moisture, which is called the animal squats kong. This creature in Chinese mythology is to be born from the dragon and good at keeping watch. This is generally referred to as the "stone lion." Kong at Tian'anmen four have the names of the different, the two in front facing south and with the backs to the wall or wangjungui called "looking out for the emperor's return." Their duty, it is said, is to see through the emperor's visit and call him back if he was too long absent from the palace. Couples in which the gate facing north or wangjunchu called "search for progress out of the emperor," and their job is to supervise how the emperor behaved in the imperial palace. If he had to self-neglect and the court affairs, a stone lion akan duty to remind him and tell him to come out in the community.

This is reflected in the simple explanation is the desire of people to the emperor would listen to advice and work very well for them.

Huabiao which has a long history on the back and can return to the implementation of Yao and shy, lengendary sage kings in remote times. to invite public criticism, it is said, they established marketplaces on the cross so that people can write their complaints and desires. Wood posts have been replaced during the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD) by stone pillars, which grew more and more decorative and ornately carved, until they become expensive column to the palace gate. With total area of 440,000 square meters, Tiananmen (Heavenly Peace Gate) Square can accommodate one million people, so that in the central city square in the world and the spiritual heart of China, where the national flag is raised exactly at sunrise and sunset down on each day by the PLA. To see the flag ceremony, you must wake up very early and arrived at the Square before sunrise. Only by doing so you can see the ceremony clearly as there are groups of people who attended the ceremony every day.

China Odyssey Tours customers tour around Tiananmen Square.

Tiananmen Square is the place to be visited in the city of Beijing as the site of the wealth of history and political importance of the area. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Tiananmen is a country where the ceremony took place. The most important issue is one of imperial edicts. Present at the Tiananmen Square became a place to relax with the general public to fly kites and walk. On holidays, the square is always beautifully decorated with flowers, plants, trees and water

He was on the Tiananmen Gate Chairman Mao declared the establishment of the People's Republic of China on 1 October 1949.

Stand on the Tiananmen Gate, you will get a good view and majestic majestic square. Tiananmen Gate hangs a portrait of Chairman Mao and two placards. Left one reads Long Live the People's Republic of China, while the right poster titled Long Live the Great Unity of the World's Peoples. That is the main entrance to the Forbidden City during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

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