Center for Literary Novels Save Melayu Tionghoa 1892

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Document Center HB Jassin Literary (PDSHBJ), which is in the central area of Taman Ismail Marzuki Jakarta still save a collection of books Malay Chinese literary story that was published in 1892 year.

"Novels are still stored in the room with a good library and some in a special place and be in the form of micro films," said the Head of Library (PDSHBJ), Endo Senggono in Jakarta on Tuesday.

According to him, hundreds of them in the novel is titled Boegaroes from Djikembang which tells about the life of a girl when the Chinese. Then "Misih ketjil dapet protracted" Brand of Goan Bie Ho published in Sukabumi, West Java.

Book is the story, he said, was forbidden to read in Dutch schools, so that the indigenous and Chinese special at that time can only be read at home.

"We succeeded to collect, and most of the novel was submitted directly by the descendants of Chinese in the country," he said.

He explains, HB Jassin foundation established 1977 building assistance from the government at that time in the area and TIM.

This foundation has been collect thousands of photos and information about literary and cultural figures and the results of which have ciptaanya chase history of a literary critic by dirintis HB Jassin literature since 1930-an.

Collections include the 17,316 fiction titles, 12,290 non-fiction titles, 507 reference titles, 812 titles or script drama, biography of the author of 875 folders, 571 titles makalh, 630 essay and dissertation title, the 732 tapes recorded voice, and 15 fruit video cassette recording.

PDSHBJ the book collection, he said, about the script drama, novels, poetry and critical essays from both famous authors such as Indonesia Moehtar Lubis, Chairil Anwar, Armin Pane, angry Rusli Hamka passed and which has been used as the reference books and university lectures and research materials.

Apart from the foreign country he also ntaranya Netherlands, Canada, Australia, and Japan.

"We have a proud history records that describe the cultural treasure kayanya Indonesia," he said.

According to Endo, to keep the thousands of books that would require funds, operational costs for this party arranged foundation assisted the donator who care about the arts and culture, while assistance from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government through the Office of Culture and Tourism was minimal.

Assistance from the government for 2009, he explained, only Rp275 million, down compared to the previous year reached Rp350 million, while operational costs in the year of Rp500 juta.Disamping that the funds need about Rp3 billion to the cost of repair or rehabilitation of buildings.

"For the operational costs of some activities that had been reduced and even eliminated," he said.

In fact, he acknowledges the existence of the building to the front of literature that is still not clear, because the issues that are still operational funds in the financial foundation with very minimal.

"We expect the role of the government or concern for the institution of the literature the only one in this country," said Endo.

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