Hundreds of foreign tourists and domestic to the National Monument (Monas)

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Hundreds of foreign tourists and domestic visitors to the National Monument (Monas), since Saturday morning to get lunch repast of Tribal Affairs (Sudin) Pariwisata DKI Jakarta traditional art form gending "Timuran Java."

Java gending Timuran group "established" is displayed starting at around 08.30 WIB in one corner of the cup of the Monument to entertain visitors who are enjoying the holidays.

Robert, one of Australia's claim to the origin of tourists witnessed the happy sound of gamelan music played by Gamelan Group established.

"Although syairnya do not understand, but I happy to hear that the music accompanying sindennya tuneful voice," he said.

According to Robert, even though Indonesia has a lot of ethnic music, but is a characteristic of gamelan music of Indonesia, known by most foreign tourists.

In fact, for the Australian community gamelan music is not foreign anymore, because they are often heard in the country.

"There are some schools in Australia have a full gamelan music, and sometimes they play it" he said.

Meanwhile, Wayan, class VI students one of the primary schools in Bali, who visited the Monument to confess very consoled to hear gending Java Timuran.

"The musical instrument gamelannya also many in Bali, but the songs and how menyanyikannya is not the same as the art that I have in the region," said Wayan.

Fauzan, Rizki and Rian, a junior high school students in Negeri Jakarta Pusat confess it, consoled with Timuran Javanese gamelan music.

"But unfortunately we do not understand the meaning, so we prefer rock music and jazz," said Fauzan.

Gending between the two hear by sindennya "Walang snicker" and gending some of the other.

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