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Places of pilgrimage are over 100 years old is always visited by many tourists, especially on the Moon or the Moon Maria Rosario (May and October). No wonder so because Sendangsono the Cave of Lourdes (Mother Mary) in Indonesia. Precisely located at Kaki Bukit Menoreh, Village Sendangsono, Muntilan, Central Java.

Initially, the location of this gathering as the place to be the spirits of the fine citizens. Then the cleric who are doing mission penginjilan there into the pilgrimage. Dibangunlah church, pendopo, caves prayer, chapel, 2 Cross Street paths fruit (long and short), home to the tourists and souvenir shop. Also established a statue of Mother Mary as more than 2.5 meters.

There is meaning behind the name unique Sendangsono. Sendang means spring, whereas Sono Sono means tree. So overall, Sendangsono means that there is a spring under the trees Sono. But now we can no longer see the water is free because the glass is covered. However, if you enjoy or want to bring home water from the springs that can be trusted to bring this blessing, you can get it through the tap-tap water which is provided on the right side of the river, right under the Maria Cave.

The location is very easy to be a vehicle. When you travel with the public, you can go from the Yogyakarta, Magelang or Sleman. Take any bus to the terminal Muntilan. After that, switch to a bus or Kentheng Sendangsono.

Sesampainya there, do not try to choose to walk up to the location because of the way lumayan remote, steep, and intricate. You have to travel about 5 km with the use of motorcycles are motorcycles on the roadside entrance to the village Sendangsono. Do not forget to visit the Church of Santa Maria Lourdes Virgin Promasan if you want to make a long procession of the Cross Road (about 2 km). However, if you are not physically possible to run away, you can follow the road of the Cross beginning from the main door Sendangsono.

Perform this ritual is completed, you can pray in front of the Cave of Mary. In front of a statue of Mother Mary of the pilgrims can write a prayer request in secarik paper, and include them in the pot burning.


In fact Sidikalang not only famous because kopinya. There we find akan Park Faith (TWI). TWI was built to consolidate all the religions in Indonesia, namely Islam, Protestant, Catholic, Hindu and Buddhist. Available house of worship of each religion, equipped with facilities that may suit. Hmm, very unique!

In addition to the house of worship, there are sites that describe the relief or religious events, such as Bukit Golgotha (place of crucifixion of Jesus Christ), Cross Road, Cave of Mary, Mina tunnel, throwing Jumrah, gym Manasik Hajj. Similarly to the Hindu and Buddhist.

Area of the forest is initially reached with 13 hectares of hills and valleys contours. From one location to another visitor should ascend the stairs. There are paths that connect all locations in the TWI, as well as a jogging track use while enjoying the beautiful green hills and rivers.

Each weekend visitors membeludak. Not only local tourists, TWI also visited a tourist from Germany, Singapore and France. In addition to the location of attractions, lodging is also available with tariff Rp 150 ribu / night. TWI is currently being created with the Al-Quran giant size 1.5 x 2 meters. And on the hill are also built a replica of the boat of the Prophet Noah.

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