Sewu temple

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Thousands of Buddhists from Yogyakarta, Central Java and its surrounding areas following the procession and a tribute Puja seconds Waisak, BE 2553 (Budhis Era). The event was held in the temple Sewu, temple complex of Prambanan, Yogyakarta, Sabtu (9/5/2009).

Waisak BE 2553 event conducted in front of the temple Sewu is the sixth time the Assembly was held by Indonesia Buddhayana (MBi). Waisak Trisuci procession to commemorate the birth of Siddharta Gautama, achieving enlightenment / enlightenment and his death of the Buddha Gautama.

Before Puja Bhakti, prayer and meditation at 09.30 WIB Pradaksina be a procession around the temple or Sewu. Pradaksina followed by the bhiksu, members of Sangha, the Buddha and pandita while bringing a variety of offerings such as flowers and incense.

Attended the event that the Head of Vihara Maha Vihara Sakyawanaram, Pacet, Cianjur, West Java, Bhiks Sasanarakkita Mahatera and Bhikku Nyanasuryanadi Mahathera as General Chairman of the Sangha Agung Indonesia (SAGIN).

Ritual prayer for 60 minutes led by Romo Sujarwoto School of Science Religion Buddhist Smaratungga, Ampel, Boyolali, Central Java. After the prayer is finished, at precisely 11:01:10 WIB for approximately 60 seconds, the Buddhist meditation to do together. After the meditation after some bhikku splash of water to all the blessings of Buddha which is in the tents.

Chairman of the committee Waisak Sewu Temple, Agus Handoko after the event is not only peace but also in harmony with each other. Because all the people from all over without discriminating race, ethnic, and religious groups to pray so that Indonesia could soon rise from the various terbebaskan of obstacles.

"In the Waisak this warning, we can expect people to become Buddhist or light good example for each other," said Agus.

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