The influence of the economic crisis on travel

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summer vacation season officially starts next weekend will end, when the travel industry is aiming to coax the United States economy decreasing rate bid for cruises and resorts for special deals on airfare and free nights at the upscale hotel, into one of the cheapest holiday season in years . cheapest holiday season in years.

In an Associated Press poll recently, a third of those surveyed said they have canceled travel in at least one this year because of financial problems. Overall, the poll found that only 42 percent of holiday travel plans, compared with 49 percent in 2005. Can be predicted, the higher the household income, the more likely he is to travel around in the near future.

However, those who have the means and opportunity to travel more and more cheap goods that can be found.

In a survey of 600 American Express travel agent, says the big clients they find a way to compensate for the costs even more - by using credit-card reward points and frequent-flier miles, close to booking a holiday travel dates to take advantage of last minute deals, select the destination where the dollar will be the furthest or travel midweek, when the lowest price.

Asked to rank top cities for the best value, agents who are registered domestic purposes such as Las Vegas, Orlando, Fla., Fort Lauderdale, Fla., New York, and Los Angeles. International, they chose Rome, London, Paris, Madrid and Prague.

"Cruising is always affordable, but now better," said Lytle. "We see a week included in the Alaska cruise and air fare from Los Angeles for $ 899. If you are the type of travel, there are so many ways to see some of the destination with all the food and nonalcoholic beverages are paid in advance."

Lytle is still such as national parks as tourist destinations, especially those who are underused. At the top of the list is the Lassen volcanic National Park, about two hours north of Sacramento, active volcano that has a bed, hissing steam holes, boiling hot mud and Pot.

"That's one of the most visited parks in the system, but perfect if you travel in the way of Northern California. After you north Napa and Sonoma, it's a whole different world up there."

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