Great Wall of China

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Great Wall of China wall 2000 years long history. Building the Great Wall started in 221 BC during the war used to maintain the Kingdom of the Mongol invasion.
The first chapter in the history of the Great Wall of China ended in 207 BC, during the last more than 6 billion cubic foot of compacted earth was set into place. The Great Wall is only moderately effective in the run and goal, even when faced with brick and stone. It's real value comes in the way of transportation eased across the country - as a kind of elevated thruway, equipment, goods and passengers can more easily traverse difficult mountain wilderness that enveloped the Great Wall.

As strange, as it seems now, before the Great Wall of China tour is a prerequisite for every trip to the country, many of the parts fall into disrepair as time passed and the import of high-reduced structure as marauding nomads scattered in the history of time. History of the Great Wall of China, and back to the actual meaning of the work the tourist industry - now there are many popular sites that tourists can see the day that one of the world's most famous landmarks.

Badaling, Mutianyu and Simatai is the place to become the most popular Great Wall of China tour. The closest to Beijing, where most tourists come from near Badaling, about 40 miles northwest of the capital city. Sure here is where the most popular travel guide to the Great Wall and the fleeting glance. Here you will find a souvenir shop filled, cheesy restaurants, and the number of other tourist trap, but for those who want to maintain the transportation easy and convenient, this is the best place to learn the history of the Great Wall of China - the Great Wall Museum is also here.

Mutianyu is not better. More than 50 miles from Beijing, you will find the same tourist-driven atmosphere at Mutianyu, although the wall is far more complex than in Badaling, as you will find some interesting and some of the best guard towers in each part of the wall.

Travelers who know that experience in a small town near Gubeikou, which is still in Simatai is one of the best places to get a more genuine and unfettered view the Great Wall of China. Watchtowers line the walls, they are haphazard in the way of winging the landscape. The only problem with the Simatai is that it is far more stringent to see an increase in Wall - areas that ranged from steep inclines to the sharp dropoffs almost without warning, so that certainly is not for pedestrian early. And those who travel to Simatai are sure to become the best in all of China ..

Of course, there are many different places to launch its own Great Wall of China tour. Important place and Juyong Pass Jinshanling and Huanghua, the old are considered as the best preserved walls in the vicinity of Beijing.

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