President and CEO Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)

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President and CEO Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Gregory A. Duffell explained, all the member countries can learn from Bali in the middle of the global crisis is the number of tourists who visit the region tend to rise.

"Bali has merivisi techniques, packages and strategies in the development of tourism. Other countries can see what the Bali by this," he told ANTARA in between the attend the PATA Conference in Malaysia Kuta, Badung regency, Bali, Sunday.

Accompanied Chairman of the PATA Chapter Malaysia, Dato Abu `Amirrudin and Secretary General of PATA Bali and Nusa Tenggara Chapter, N. Ratna Soebrata, he acknowledged that Bali is another, because the global kriris the United States, all affected imbasnya, not excluded in the tourism sector.

"But Bali is to increase the number of visitors in a situation like this. This is all because of hard work and creative practitioners of tourism in Bali," said the man also practitioners in the travel agent is.

According to him, usually every economic crisis occurs, berimbas only on certain levels, but this time all the affected level. For tourism, the most affected is the United States, Mexico and Canada.

However, he said, in every crisis there is always the opportunity to determine the steps to progress the business, including in the field of tourism. However, he said, it depends on the carefulness in work practitioners of tourism in each country to see what and where the opportunity is there.

PATA asked how to take steps to help members out of the crisis, he stressed that the association of dipimpinnya can not solve its own economic problems. PATA can only encourage and provide information about the opportunities that can be members.

"We always provide accurate information about the opportunities that can be done and where the opportunities are. We always submit information, either through the website, blogs, seminars, training, or through the mass media," he said.

He explains, PATA members that consists of elements of the government and the private sector. Both dipersatukan together to develop tourism in each country.

Dato `Amirrudin tell, his side are always working with the development of tourism in Indonesia, especially Bali, Yogyakarta and Central Java. For Bali, the same work in the coastal tourist destination in Malaysia, in Penang and Malacca.

"For our cultural heritage tourism in cooperation with the Yogyakarta and Central Java, such as tourism in the temple Bororbudur," said the man confessed that his father came from Minangkabau and the Bugis from his mother.

Malaysia to PATA conference in Vienna Holiday Kuta, Bali, 10-13 July 2009 to invite the local tourism industry to strengthen relationships and increase business network.

"PATA Malaysia expects our cooperation with the tourism industry participation, especially in the business session and reception dinner ala Malaysia," said Ratna N. Soebrata.

At the business session which is set braided increase cooperation in the effort to bring more and more tourists antarkedua countries.

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