Tahuna Sea Pearls

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Crafts sea pearls have a high sale value overseas. Habituate only how Japanese society is like the pearl sea origin Tahuna, North Maluku. Unfortunately, the storm crisis jump start this industry. Slowly, the demand for pearls is increasingly reduced.

One of the Annual Sea pearl crafter who is successful Meyke Sukoyo. Two grandchildren grandmother this claim has been eight years menggeluti business selling pearls. Omzet mutiaranya jewelry sales reach Rp 1 billion every month.

Initially, business Meyke only in sales of plain pearls. Pearls are plain dijualnya to several cities in Indonesia, such as to Jakarta. "I tekuni Business pearls because the amount of overflow Tahuna," continued the mother 50 years ago.

Then, tebersit desire to create products Meyke of pearl jewelry. She wanted to be famous these products to other countries.

With a mature consideration, Meyke then a loan to BNI Sangir Talaud of Rp 350 million. Use of capital to buy gold and diamonds that are used for pearl-binding mutiaranya. With a beautiful design, pearls, sea pearls Meyke seen the glint.

Because business success, Meyke can settle the loan within a year. Once settled, Meyke back a loan. "Until now, the total credit to BNI of Rp 700 million," said Meyke.

Each month, Meyke can supply the raw materials of pearls 40 kilograms. Among the many pearls, there are special classes. There are pearls that class Rp 1.5 million, Rp 1 million, Rp 500,000 and Rp 300,000 per gram.

Behavior in order to produce fast and well, Meyke diligent menyambangi exhibitions abroad and in the country. One of the exhibition is always diikutinya exhibition in Hong Kong and Inacraft. "If the Indonesian people that the quality of the jewelry mutiaranya Rp 500,000 per gram. If people like Japan and Hong Kong is Rp 1.5 million and Rp 1 million per gram," explained.

For one jewelry, sell Meyke start price of Rp 30 million to Rp 80 million. From price Meyke get 10 percent margin. With the price, in one exhibition, Meyke can menangguk omzet up to Rp 600 million. "Inacraft exhibition two years ago omzet I Rp 600 million. Last year, Rp 500 million. This year I do not know because there is a crisis," he said.

Indeed, business Meyke prone terpaan crisis. This just two months, sales omzet pearl jewelry Meyke down to 40 percent. "Currently I can only be patient until conditions improve," he said again.


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