Legend master Kundang in Air Manis Beach

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Legend master Kundang in Air Manis Beach

Stories legend master Kundang called "Son of a rebel." A son who cursed his mother into stone because they do not recognize his mother again after a successful return from the land of shoreline. But it is quite startling if the rest of the rest of the story-laden moral values are recorded in a real beach in the region where the story takes place, West Sumatra.

Pantai Air Manis, name. This is the beach there is a pile of stone as a trusted form Kundang master device and the whole ship would have become a stone. Stone in the master device while the ship bersimpuh scattered in the surrounding areas.

Every visitor who came to Air Manis Beach, the area of stone master Kundang become the first place disambangi. They pose and take pictures in front of the stone master Kundang.

However, the beauty of the waves roll in, but not too high and create the scenery of Mt Beach Air Manis a complementary effect of enchantment Air Manis beach for the people of West Sumatra and the tourists from outside. Waves that roll in the beach seems to be silent witnesses story master Kundang beratus previous year.

The beach is a fun job while occasionally let feet wet by the waves romp. Swimming activities are also likely to be heard cukuup interesting to do in this area. So, prepare to change clothes if you want to visit this beach.

About 500 meters from the location of the stone The Kundang, visitors can start a trip to Pulau Pisang Small across the beach with a walk of less than 500 meters. Water depth in the water between Beach and Pulau Pisang Manis Small is not in place so that it can walk, although a number of actual community also rent small boats to cross over.

Point in the stomach only as adults. But, eits, this can only be done before evening comes. Around 16:00 o'clock, the water usually start tide beach. Therefore, visitors are advised to return from the island area of 1 hectare to the Air Manis beach before afternoon.

Small Banana Island, visitors can sit in cottages that are in there, while enjoying spectacular sea and beach. If you decide to stay in the Big Banana Island, visitors can stay in the house or bring your own tent equipment.

In addition, the edge of the beach Air Manis, visitors can go to the island Sikuai with the time of the approximately 2.5 hours to try various water attractions, such as surfing and diving. Sikuai famous island with the white pasirnya.

Pantai Air Manis is located 15 km from the city center, right in the Bay District scarf, Padang District. Therefore, spend all day in Air Manis beach and back to the time in one day is nothing impossible.

But do not forget to buy souvenirs such as coral reefs and shells of various shapes and sizes with prices dibanderol between Rp 5000-50000. if interested search for T-shirts and clothes smelling of West Sumatra, visitors can also buy them at kiosks around the coast.


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