Discovery of fossil leaves in Ancient South Blora

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Following discovery of ancient fossil elephants, Tim Vertebrata Bandung Geology Museum, Geology Health Center, the Geology Department of Energy and Mineral Resources to find again the ancient fossil leaves.

Leaf is found in Hamlet Sunggun, Medalem Village, District Kradenan, Kabupaten Blora, Central Java. "Based on these findings, the region seems Blora savanna in the South is a period that passed Pleistosen Bengawan Solo ancient," said Chairman Tim Vertebrata Bandung Geology Museum, Iwan Kurniawan, Saturday (4 / 4) in the Blora.

Fossil leaves found in fossil elephants around the ancient stone and printed in the form of silt-sedimentation process grain of sand and clay. Size of leaves, which are relatively small, the findings of elephant and buffalo, and ancient sedimentation contours in that location, the team estimates, it is from the era of fossil Pleistosen, 1,808,000, 11,500 years ago.

Head of Documentation Section Bandung Geology Museum SR Sinung Baskoro said, the area contains many Blora South terrace sediment Bengawan Solo ancient fossil of a variety store.

Head of Culture Tourism and Culture Department Blora Regency Suntoyo said, Pemkab Blora fossil commend the Geology Museum in Bandung.


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