Susu Kuda Liar Kabupaten Sumbawa

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Never try to think susu wild horse? susu wild horse smell was not nice So also the sour taste and wrinkled. Susu famous because wild horses have a variety of property for people. However, at this time the public can not distinguish which susu original wild horse and the horse which the susu ternakan.

However, the wild horse susu contain many benefits for the mengonsumsinya, for example, to treat at the same time to prevent some diseases, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, breast cancer, uterus cancer, and even to sexual problems, such as weak and less fertile orgasm.

However, the more critical that consumers start asking meaning "wild" here. "If we really wild, how susunya milk?" ask an interested listener to the wild horse is susu.

In response to community protests, and then change the label BPOM susu susu a wild horse horse Sumbawa. That way, people do not ask the meaning wild here because basically susu susu horse is a horse of ternakan.

Well, another in Kabupaten Bima is still a province of Sumbawa Regency. Susu horses taken really comes from the wild horses because the horses are free to roam on the slopes of Mount Suromandi, District Donggo, Kabupaten Bima, West Nusa Tenggara.

"Horses are in fact owned by the community around the slopes of Mount Suromandi, but hang around looking for food left alone," said Nurdin, Bima Creative Chairman of the Forum which is disapa Hajj Nurdin.

Slopes of Mt Suromandi own rich akan herb so that the wild horse is free to search for food. Because the wild, it is not easy to take susunya.

"Please hold for the business and take susunya. So I wonder if there is a seller can sell wild horses to susu-liter literan," Nurdin tukas.

The average one-horse diperah can only up to two bottles so that the wild horse sales susu here only based on orders only. "Even if a lot of orders, can not be forced. The quick in a month only collected 20 bottles of milk," said Nurdin.

Price one bottle susu wild horse size syrup bottles only Rp 50,000. So, in a omzet people around the slopes of Mount Suromandi only Rp 1 million.


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