Museum Bank Indonesia

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This is the only museum tercanggih in Indonesia. While other museums under the care of government, both central and local levels, still berkutat on the budget each year simply for the sake of the problems that will berkutat there-there are, MBi melejit they leave the museum with the facilities that use multi-media devices.

In MBi visitors can enjoy the information of the past with very interesting, especially because in Indonesia there has never been like this museum. Later, in the BI Information Center, visitors can access information from the past to the present time with the time series on a long history and the role of Bank Indonesia.

Information can be accessed using a multi-media device, so useful for research purposes, making the analysis, and so forth. In addition to the information that came from Bank Indonesia, the information can also be accessed from some other source, in and outside the country. Also provided a facility to print the data / information from the computer.

Completeness of the information in this room still with the presence of BI Virtual Museum, which will provide information about MBi through the internet network. This is just one of the many facilities offered by modern MBi.

Enjoy the collection of paper money and metal from the past, perhaps most interesting attention. In this space Numismatik, coinage and paper arranged in thematic and chronological, so visitors get enlightenment about the history of money. To be able to see clearly the currency, from behind the thick glass panel, provided the glass.

Here, visitors to the busy and the memories that occur in sheet metal or paper money. A paper money only Rp 50.000 image RI oldest former president, who is declared by the UN as a thief of the first property in the world, Soeharto withdrawn in August 2000. Only a sheet of paper from this course, discussions can be far to the problems of Soeharto Vs Time to the earlier announcement from the UN.

They also see time series of paper money Soedirman Rp 500, Rp 1000 banknote image Prince Diponegoro, fraction image Rp 5,000 fishing nets menebar nutbrown, 5:00 Rp fraction of women with the image of orchids drawn together in April 1988.

So, Nostalgia remember what you see when the paper money of Rp 10.000 image Gamelan of Central Java, the 1000 picture Dr Rp Soetomo and canyon Sianok, the Rp 5,000 teaser image of diamond from the home and traditional Toraja, and the Rp 500 flower image Raflesia all drawn in May 1992. Or perhaps sejumput memories in Rp 100 coin image house large (thick) and large home-gunungan (thin), which has drawn five years ago?

From the RS to the Bank ...
MBi this building stood in Batavia on 24 January 1828. Originally, this building is the hospital (Binnen Hospitaal) that is located exactly on the wall in the old city. De Javasche Bank (DJB), embryo of Bank Indonesia, and occupies two floors of the former hospital.

This building was first used by DJB since 8 April 1828. In the year 1910, after more than 80 years old occupying the building, the renovation began DJB. Building design is done by Bureau of Architect Ed Cuypers & Hulswit (Fermont-Cuypers).

The first phase of development, in 1910, finished in 1912, the building neoklasik European-style architecture. In the year 1922, European-style architecture neoklasik. In the year 1922, the second phase of development started by adding a few new rooms, such as: room store valuables and archive space.

Third stage of development (1924) is expanding by building a unit in the back along the Kali Besar replace the old building used to house sick. In addition, also be made throughout the building "Javabankstraat" (now Bank Street), which met with building the first phase in the north. This new building has a glass solder, with the protean form of decorative commodities trading in the Dutch East Indies and the Greek goddess of the god -

Year 1933, this time in development, Bureau of Fermont Architect-designed, among other Cuypers some additional space saving unit of value. Development continued with the fifth stage (1935), which memodernisas iarsitektur the first phase. In addition to following "one door system" to replace the two entrance gates before, this stage also the dome that decorate the roof of the building. Development is completed and inaugurated on 12 June 1937.

By the Government of DKI Jakarta Province entered the building in a heritage building.

Hours Open
This museum is open every day with the different hours, Tuesday-Thursday 08.30-14.30, Friday 08.30-11.00, Saturday and Sunday 09.00-16.00. Or, if your condition is not possible to set foot MBi, Cyber MBi accessible. Just click / msmbiweb, faster entry again via Google, type in the Museum Bank Indonesia, in a flash you can bernostalgia with the collection of money while MBi me-recharge recall specifics about the payments system, banking, monetary, and that used in this country.


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