Fantasy World

Fantasy World is divided into several regions with distinctive themes and characteristics of each region. The division of this area is intended to inspire imagination visitors, where they expected to feel the sensation on the road running one of antiquity, Europe, United States, Indonesia, Asia and the entertainment area.

In addition to the game attraction, this area also has a number of restaurants and gift shop store.

World Wide Fantasy reached 9.5 hectares (need confirmation) of the development plan area of 552 hectares of integrated entertainment Jaya Ancol Dreamland Park.

Jakarta area

* Turangga Rangga

It is characteristic of a game park in the Jakarta area. This game is a carousel.

Regions Balada Kera

* Balada Kera

Stage is to present the music of operetta karikatural that diperankan by 23 dolls animatronik, shaped gorilla and chimpanzee. All technology is driven by artificial Indonesia.

* Ubangga
* Safari Game

Regions India

* Alap-Alap
* Balloons Festival
* Jungkang Jungking
* Glow worm
* Retreat retreat
* Begicot

European Regions

* Beng Beng
* Kicir Kicir

A big wheels that will play all the way to the passenger.

* Maxima

Is a stage performance where the musicians are usually, well known choreographer and performer in this country do his work. Artists who do his work here, among others, is Guruh Soekarno Putra, N. Riantiarno, Harry Rusli and other.

Hikayat Regions

This region is the main attraction of the whole region Dufan. Location is the game that most of the stir speed, up and down, sharp curve, to be collected in the rotating one.

* All major tourist attractions
* Birds combat
* Lightning

Lightning operating since 1987. In one series there are 6 train carriage, in which one car load two rows and two columns seat. Total capacity in a series of train is 24 passengers.

* Hikayat Games
* Ombang udder
* Ontang earrings
* Star Wars

Vehicle is built with the background environment of the future. Visitors will be prepared as if the outer space are in a vehicle with such plates aircraft equipped with laser weapons.

* Helter skelter
* Rajawali
* Theater Simulator

United States Regions

* Alley astray

Stray alley, consisting of a glass wall along the alley more than 90 meters, giving the reflection is not limited, so feel as if there is no dimensional space

Niagara *

Niagara gara sled, the boat-shaped wooden blocks that slide adventure follow the water flow. Then, in klimaksnya, up at 30 meters and go as if the splash waterfalls and rivers in the United States.

* Poci Poci
* Rango Rango

In italics Rango Rango, building country-style wooden house, visitors will enjoy the experience strange, as though losing gravity orientation.

* Shoot sharpshooter

Arena shoot sharpshooter will take visitors to the Wild West, where the stunt will be tested with a gun shoot at 100 targets animatronik dolls.

* Tornado

Arena is operating since 10 June 2007, inaugurated by the Governor of Jakarta Sutiyoso and is terseram from all areas in the arena Dufan.

Regions Puppet Palace

* Puppet Palace

This palace was designed with the feel of a combination of 10 Indonesian-style architecture building, which distilir to be building a new, colorful, and so gave the impression and the unique splendor. In it, while boating, pegunjung invited to explore and experience a variety of ethnic cultures throughout the archipelago and many of the nation, accompanied folk song that impressive. There are approximately 600 dolls animatronik. This vehicle is a closed building equipped with High room.


* Baku Toki
Rainbow *

Is the spool up to 33 meters. Is one of the highest buildings in the World Fantasy, when we are at the top of the reel, we can see the sea horizon and the buildings seisi Fantasy. Rainbow built with the architecture and ornaments typical color nuances Thailand.

* Elephant Bledug
* Kora Kora

vehicle is a large boat-shaped rock that is almost 90 degrees. Sensation given to the vehicle is kegerian at the time was dipuncak altitude at the time and go down swinging.

Entrance Ticket Price

Entrance Ticket Price (htm) Fantasy on a normal Rp. 60,000 / person and on a Sunday / holiday other Rp. 85000/orang (update May 2008) price entrance ticket not included Rp. 12,000 / person assigned to the main entrance gate Jaya Ancol Dreamland Park.

Hours open: 11:00 - 20:00 Open every day.

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