Buddhist cultural festival in Makassar

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DESTINATION -Three giant Buddha statues adorn Buddhist cultural festival in Makassar. Each sculpture is done directly by the sculptor of the statue of Buddha from Cambodia.

Chairman of the organizing committee, Buddhist Culture Festival, Roy. R, Saturday in Makassar, the largest statue explains called Sukothai Buddha 15 meters tall.

Sukothai is a city in Thailand terkuno. "This Buddhist statue is a replica of the statue in the city," he said. Statue of Buddha standing with open arms This image illustrates that the teachings of His protecting the world.

The second statue that graced the festival held by the monastery is Girinaga `Sleeping Buddha or Buddha` sleep with length 12 meters. Replica illustrates even in a state of meditation or sleep, Buddha remained in his consciousness.

Replication of the third Buddha statue is the Buddha in a sitting position with a five-meter tall figure depicting him as the protector of the world through his teaching or Gama.

Sukothai Buddha statues and Buddha in a sitting position equipped with a jar, a large sunflower, and incense. The jar is used as a place angpao from visitors who pray, the amount based on voluntary visitors.

While sunflower and incense are used as offerings to the faithful who pray in front of each statue represents the figure of Buddha.

While sleeping Buddha statue is surrounded by 108 golden urn as the coin people. Coins will be weighed and the weight will determine the prediction visitors.

In addition to these three statues, the festival marked the replica ship Buddha located at the edge of the lake GTC Mall, Tanjung Bunga, the location of the event organization.

The third statue and the ship made within one week prior to the implementation of the event scheduled for 10 days.

All done and supervised directly by the sculptor from Cambodia, a country best known for making statues of Buddha.

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