Tour in the Forest City Srengseng

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The growth of infrastructure development along the city, making some people a matter of assessing the availability of negative green open space in the middle of Jakarta. Therefore, it is not impossible if the existence of the forest city Srengseng so captivating that appear neglected by the board of Jakarta. In fact, the area of 15.3 hectares that could be an alternative choice for the family holiday weekend.

Attitude of Jakarta which the eyes looked Srengseng forest city can not be denied. For less than the campaigns, Jakarta residents would choose a location outside the city tour. Evidence, every holiday weekend, thousands of Jakarta, to crowd-berbondong Peak area, Bogor and Bandung.

However, there are still people that Jakarta still "respect" a number of tourist attractions in the city. On holiday weekends they travel in the area berjubel Ancol, Ragunan, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) and several other tourist locations, including the forest Srengseng city that is located in Kelurahan Kepaladua, Kembangan, West Jakarta.

"Usually I come here every Sunday, can be a bit snug for a week to remove the fatigue of work, inexpensive addition to the cool place," said Nur Soleh, Citizen Kembangan Utara.

Men claim to the old part is quite happy to spend time in the forest city Srengseng. He along with his family often walk in the forest at the city Srengseng afternoon. In fact, he often confessed fishing on Lake Srengseng of 6000 square meters. "If the fit again, I also own MANCING often on the lake, in addition to the many shady ikannya," Nur Soleh supplement.

Forest city with thousands of trees consisting of 63 species of plants, built in 1993 on the new leadership of Governor R Suprapto. And when the mayor of West Jakarta dijabat by Eddy Ruchyat. But unfortunately, at this time to visit the forest town Srengseng still a resident in West Jakarta alone, especially school children, young people who join you and a handful of residents in the District Kembangan only.

Making forest Srengseng city is not done in a short time, but gradually with the system or the sanitary landfill system uruk dig between waste and soil. This was selected because, the land area of 15.3 hectares is used to place a garbage disposal. However, after the time the gang made uruk terbentuklah carpet area, even smell that dikeluhkan with many people lost crops and productive planted forest in the city Srengseng.

When this forest town Srengseng currently has nursery area of 2.5 hectares of which 42 species of trees planted productive, protective, and 11 types of orchid plants. Not only that, with the lake create a forest area made the city into a much more beautiful. For, in the middle of the lake there are small islands with plants such as cery and karsen. Therefore, many birds seek food on the top perch in the trees.

In promoting the forest area of the city Srengseng, West Jakarta City Government so far is not only silent only. Moreover, since the leadership of the mayor of West Jakarta held by Sarimun Hadisaputra in 1998, in the forest area each year people diselenggarankan party titled "Betawi Days" is held each June.

However, the last few years, this forest town Srengseng campaign for including this as a successful pilot project for National and DKI Jakarta. Forest City is also manifest as keseriuasan Pemprov DKI in creating green space in urban areas. Now the most important is how the community can continue to conserve and utilize forest the only city in Jakarta this.


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