Park Pulau Weh Marine Nature

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Park Pulau Weh Marine Nature


Picture Park Natural Sea Island Weh Sabang

Taman Wisata Alam (TWA) Sea island of Weh determined based on a decree from the Ministry of Agriculture No. 928/Kpts/Um/12/1982 dated 27 December 1982 of 2600 Ha.

Geographically TWA Sea Weh Island is located on the 0552 'North latitude and 9552' East Longitude. Meanwhile, the administration of government, including District Sukakarya, Sabang Municipality, the Province Aceh and in terms of forest management including conservation Resort Natural Iboih and go to the Central Sub-Natural Resources Conservation NAD Province.

TWA in the Sea of Weh island, Sabang there is a coral reef, coral both hard and soft coral with various types, shapes and colors, which all form a cluster of interesting reef to enjoy, among other coral reef regions, with the name lupas, deer coral, coral crackers.

In addition to coral reefs, TWA Sea island of Weh, Sabang are the types of reef fish such as Angel fish, fish Tropet, Dunsel fish, fish Sergeon, Grope fish, Parrot fish and others. The fish are located in the vicinity of TWA Sea island of Weh and some are endemic in this region. It also found many types of fish such as Tuna economical, Kakap, Kerapu, Bayan, Banana-Pisangan and others.

Nature tourism activities that can be done in the TWA Pulau Weh Sea is Tirta tourism activities such as surfing, boat ride, swimming, fishing, and dive down to enjoy the water with a diversity of coral reefs and fish karangnya beautiful.

Some of the facilities that can support tourism activities, among others: cottages lodging around Iboih which was built by the community, shelter, MCK, mosques, shops and souvenirs in the hotel which is Gapang. In addition there are various facilities located on the island that was built by Rubiah Tourism Department Dati I IN Aceh, among others: the dive center is equipped with the amenities (motor boats, dive equipment), Mushola, shelter, MCK, guard house, tower watcher, paths, parks and the installation of electricity.

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