Museum dan Rumoh Aceh

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Picture House Aceh

Banda Aceh has a museum of which is located in a complex. Museum main building is a traditional Acehnese house, created in 1914 to Gelanggang Exhibition in Semarang, which is then brought back to Banda Aceh year 1915 by the Governor of Van Swart (Netherlands), which later became the Museum. Aceh is a Rumoh houses that have an inside narrow but all rooms are not bersekat.

Now this museum environment has increased with new buildings that take the motives of Aceh as well as the Central Meeting of the conical shape is taken from the people of Aceh is rice wrapped up with banana leaves, called "Bukulah". Bukulah are dihidangkan feast on a banquet-like feast Blang, banquet Maulid Great Prophet Muhammad Saw and others.

Museum exhibition hall the new building has 3 floors, filled by a variety of collection items are ancient styled well. One of the museum collection is a timepiece for the given name "CakraDonya". This bell is a gift from the Kingdom of China tempo first brought by warlord molasses Ho in 1414. Home front of the museum has a special form of the carvings also show wood-carvings with motifs Aceh. Many interesting things dimuseum pendopo adjacent to the Governor of Aceh is that many school students who visit each day.
Dikompleks this tomb found Sultans of Aceh in the week. Tomb of the Sultan, in general, dinuat from Stone Mountain and decorated with beautiful Arabic Kaligraphi spellbind, one of which is The Sultan Iskandar Muda.

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